Today I went to kurobouzu with my part time job's friends. Kurobouzu is yakiniku restaurant. There was very nice for me. I really like meats, so I ate many we also enjoyed talking. We had many topics. I'm looking forward to next time.
Event 2
Today I went to dessert buffet with my friends Nanako, and Riho. We often go lunch because we really like to eat. We could eat many cakes, and ice cream, but we couldn't eat many. We learned little sweet is best, and too much sweet is very hard to eat. Of course the dessert buffet's cakes were very good.
Event 3
Today was my 20 year old birthday, so many my friends and family said me "happy birthday to you" I really appreciate all of my around people. I joined adult, so I allow legally drinking and smoking, but I hate smoke, and I will never smoking. However I want to drink alcohol with my friends. 20 years olds are feeling very freedom, but we judge as a adult in our society so I will care about my behavior.
Even 4
Today I went to baratei it is a stake restaurant. I went with my friends I and them went to Minnesota in this summer vacation. We eat stake set it was little expensive for me but I eat that kind of experience meet for the first time.Soup and salad and stake and dessert all good taste. I really like the restaurant,so I will go with my family.
Event 5
Today I went to dinner with my friends. They held a my birthday party.we ate a pizza and pasta and some cheese. There were good, but cheese was smell little bat. May be our sense of taste was still young,so we couldn't understand cheese's taste.
322 words
322 words
Hi Machiko -
返信削除I'm happy to read that you hate smoking and that you'll never do it. (I hate smoking, too! I really can't understand why people do it...) Welcome to the world of adults!!
The score for this diary homework is 7/10