The Terminal the movie directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks. It is a comedy but also has an emotion effect. I will teach you about the movie's story a little. One day a man Krakozhian traveler Viktor Navorski arrives at New York's airport but his country is disappear for war so he lost his nationality and cannot enter a country. He started living in the airport but he cannot speak English and he don't have money. He learning for another person how to live in airport and meeting kinds of people. The movie gave me courage and I always give courage from Tom Hanks' movie for example Green Mile and Larry Crowne. Green Mile is sad story for me so when I watch the movie I always tears gushed from my eyes. This movie is story of policemen and prisoner in a death row. Larry Crown told me your life can over again at any age. Therefore I like his movies so I want to watch Saving Mr. Banks now.

Comme un chef it is comedy movie in France starring Jean Reno he
is known by many Japanese as Doraemon because he appeared advertisement of Japanese car company. The movie's characters are a French restaurant's chef and a man who want to become chef. They war very nice combination so the movie is interesting. It isn't a feel reluctant movie and one scene Jean Reno made many kinds of sweet desserts those were look so good. The movie make you light feeling.

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