Today I read "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse". The city mouse Toby was surprised by country mouse Pipin's life and Toby invited his house. At first Pipin was surprised city and enjoyed eating city's food for example pie, cheese, and chocolate sauce. But city was not only happy but also dangerous. Suddenly cat appeared in front of them. They are run fast and could into the hole but Pipin became want to go home and next morning he go home and thought own house is best."This is the life for me," he said.
hedge : 垣根
nibbled : 少しずつかじる
chill : 冷たさ
flung : 投げた
damp : ジメジメした
horrible : 恐ろしい
rattle : ガタガタという
tattle : ぺちゃくちゃ喋る
pebbles : 小石
feast : ごちそう
purred : 猫がゴロゴロいう音
hissed : シーッと言う音
snuggled : 心地よく横たわる
293 words
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